In this era of modernization, Information Technology is widely used in the field of education all around the world. In 1995, quantitative assessments have been conducted in many school systems all over the world including USA which show that the influence of information technology on the skills and attitudes of teachers and students are uplifting and consistent (Knezek & Christensen 2001). Information technology has eased the way for teachers to share their knowledge and also eased the way of getting education for the students. Knowledge leads to the path of development. And technology widens the path of both knowledge and development (Addo 2001). By the help of Information Technology (IT), providing and getting education have become easier than ever. But in terms of technology, when there is advantage, drawback lies there as well.

A university-graduate said, ‘most colleges and universities are using a broad base of computer technology; however, they are not giving student and teachers enough background to use this in their own classrooms’ (Pellegrino & Altman 1997, p.95). That means, there are many teachers and students who are struggling to cope with the increased use of technology in classroom. This is first and foremost issue of using information technology in the field of education. Teachers and students, mainly of developing countries, are not much into technology. When it comes in terms of taking online classes, evaluating assignments, doing plagiarism-check, handling library resources, delivering online feedbacks to students etc., teachers with inadequate IT knowledge struggle to perform these tasks. Students also need to use technologies in a daily basis in both developed and developing countries. They need to use library resources effectively, communicate with their classmates, attend online classes, submit assignments online etc. Students who have not used technologies before, find these tasks so difficult to perform and get worried for lack of technological knowledge. Even if they barely learn to use information technologies, they still remain unable to be benefitted effectively. Thus, they lag far behind from others.

A number of universities have adapted with the increased pressures on finance by under-investment in physical space and other infrastructural investment associated with the use of information technology. Over the last two decades, the public funding for HE (Higher Education) has enhanced around 45% where the unit for funding per student has reduced by 40% (Boucher 1998). The investment regarding information technologies of an educational institute includes cost of device such as computers and hardware, projector, internet-connectivity, maintaining servers (mainly used in universities), maintaining website, maintaining online library resources, data storage and backup etc. These investments require a great number of workforces in order to maintain everything. Proper maintaining and repairing of these resources require a great amount of investment. Thus, the tuition fees demanded by the institutions become unbearable for the middle-class and lower-class families which results to a reduced number of participation of students in the higher education.

There is an alarming issue which is related to academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty refers to the term of using online materials and resources and not referencing them properly. This term is known as ‘Plagarism’, which is also known as ‘Cyber-cheating’. A combined research of America and US shows that approximately 60% of students in higher education confess to various sorts of academic dishonesty (Szabo & Underwood 2004). Due to the easy access to internet by the means of IT, students can search and use online resources as much as they want. As a result, there are enormous students who are engaging in this unethical activity simply by not referencing correctly. Cheating is usually done by students to avoid failure, get better outcomes and do outstanding academic result. It is a cyber-crime which may lead to legal actions and cause any educational institution a great financial and social loss.

There are enormous factors that obstacle teachers from using information technologies in the field of education. These issues include lack of teaching experience with IT, lack of on-site support for teachers, lack of ICT specialist teachers to teach students computer skills, lack of computer availability, lack of financial support etc. (Mumtaz 2000). Teachers are used to provide education in conventional methods. Due to the development of IT, they are now bound to adapt the use of information technologies in order to keep pace with the institution. As a result, they are facing challenges in a regular basis. Students are not also getting enough knowledge to use these technologies. They are finding it difficult as there are inadequate number of IT specialist teachers to assist them.

Moreover, in the developing countries there are many students who are not able to afford a device that will enable them to get the benefits of information technology. For example, to create a PowerPoint-presentation, a student will definitely need a computer. Without a computer or a mobile phone, there is no such way he can create a presentation. This group mostly includes students from middle-class and lower-class families. As a consequence, their improvement is hindered, and they lag far behind those who can afford such a device and they constantly feel inferior. So, financial stability is a noticeable issue of using information technology in education.

There are some ethical issues regarding the use of information technology especially among primary school students that need to be addressed. There are many young children who tend to rely on the world of internet as an open playground. And they think that they do not need any attention or guidance from their parents regarding this. While surfing in the internet, the open wide world, they easily get access to infinite amount of information. Sometimes they fall a victim to the dark and dangerous side of the internet (Masrom 2012). As a result, young children and teenagers engage themselves in unethical activities which may be highly unsuitable for them according to their age. Parents and their teachers are now extremely worried regarding their unethical use of information technology which may lead them to mental health problem, anxiety, depression, addiction etc.

There is a major issue that needs to be addressed is the extent to which Information Technology course in a secondary school will be oriented and the appropriate course content matter associated with it (Mcdougall 2001). Because there is such knowledge that will not be appropriate for them. For example, knowledge related to hacking and dark web may create misconception in them and may even lead to wrong ways. The things they will be taught must be age appropriate. Else it will affect their mental health as well as physical health.

Budgetary constraints may limit the extent of students getting benefits from information technologies (Yousef 2013). These constraints include lack of internet-connectivity, lack of devices, lack of resources, lack of technological training etc. This may result students to having inadequate knowledge about information technology, lower grades, less working knowledge, less technological capability etc.

There is a lack of valid proof that presents the effectiveness of computer-based learning and teaching. This issue mainly occurs for the new teaching methods that may not be familiar or appreciated by the teachers (Zhang 2009, p.857). Teachers do not usually find it satisfying to teach students through facetime or online class because they cannot concentrate on their student’s behaviour. If a concept is ambiguous to a student, teachers can easily understand that by monitoring their body language. But in online classes, no such thing is possible.

All these issues may not be solved in a day. It may even take years. But once these issues get solved, information technology may be used in the field of education at its finest. It will enlighten the path of education for every student and teacher.

Author's Name: Ittehad Ibne Chowdhury
Student ID: s325700
Course: HIT164 Computing Fundamentals